The work of the department is divided into two divisons:
- Division of Legal and General Affairs
- Division of Human Resources
The Department of Legal, General Affairs and Human Resources Management represents the hospital in court, prepares legal acts and contracts, follows the development of medical law and incorporates this knowledge into the work of the Dubrava University Hospital.
The Division of Legal and General Affairs does legal representation, drafts contracts, provides legal support to all organizational units, drafts and prepares contracts for clinical trials, performs professional administrative work related to the needs of the management body and the needs of various commissions, and performs clerical work.
The Divsion of Human Resources performs tasks related to the employment of employees and interns, the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees and interns arising from the employment relationship, keeps regulated records and registers, prepares and participates in the drafting of proposals for general acts of the Dubrava University Hospital, prepares and approves various permits, issues decisions and resolutions on the rights of employees, the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees arising frtom the employment relationship, keeps files for each employee, processes regulated records and data for the needs of the management body.