Assistant Director of Healthcare Quality Assurance and Supervision
Assoc. Prof. Jelena Popić, MD, PhD
tel: +3851 290 2842
email: pomocnik.kvaliteta@kbd.hr

Assistant Director of Legal Affairs
Zoran Špehar, LL.M.
tel: +3851 290 3413
email: pomocnik.pravo@kbd.hr

Assistant Director of Finance
Valentina Mirtić, M. Ec.
tel: +3851 290 3470
email: pomocnik.financije@kbd.hr

Assistant Director of Public Procurement, Investments and EU Projects
Loreta Zdrilić Kuljić, M. Ec., IMPPM
tel: +3851 290 2662
email: pomocnik.nabava@kbd.hr

Assistant Director of Medical Affairs
Assoc. Prof. Toni Kolak, MD, PhD
tel: +3851 290 3517
email: pomocnik.medicina@kbd.hr

Assistant Director of Nursing and the Head Nurse
Višnjica Kocman, MSN
tel: +3851 290 2460
email: glavna.sestra@kbd.hr

Lucija Ražnjević, mag. philol. angl.
tel: +3851 290 3444
fax: +3851 286 4249
email: ravnatelj@kbd.hr

- Management
- Department of Legal, General Affairs and Human Resources Management
- Department of Economic and Financial Affairs
- The Department of Public Procurement, Investments and EU Projects
- Department of Healthcare Quality Assurance and Improvement
- Technical Service Department
- IT Department
- Department of Integrated Safety Systems
- Internal Audit Office
- Department of Nutrition
- Department for Indoor and Outdoor Cleaning and Maintenance of Green Spaces
- Laundry Department
- Nursing